The Church of Bishop Marianos

The Church of Bishop Marianos (AD 570) The Church of Bishop Marianos is located 50 m to the north of Hadrian's Arch and 10 m east of the wall of the Hippodrome. It was built when the Hippodrome was already in ruins. It is a small church with one apse, measuring 13.50 (E-W) x 8.10 (N-S) m on the exterior. The church's nave is entirely cov­ered by a mosaic carpet. The raised chancel and apse also contain mosaics. The foundation inscription, located in front of the chancel screen, reads: Under your most holy and God-guarded bishop Marianos, this holy temple was built and completed from the foundations, in the year 632, in the month of Xanthicos, in the third...
